AANE Newsletter
It's summer! Check out articles about traveling around town and abroad, and learn more about upcoming groups and events!
AANE July/August 2024 Newsletter
Travel & Transportation

Whether going across town or across the globe, travel can bring joy, stress, excitement, exhaustion, and a host of other experiences for Autistic individuals. Read personal reflections and helpful information to make getting around easier. 

Join us for "Activate for AANE"
Our annual community fundraising challenge, Activate for AANE, is live! 100% of funds raised go directly to our programming. Set up your own fundraising page or make a gift to help us reach our $85,000 goal.

AANE's Next Newsletter Will Be in September!

Visit the AANE Events Page any time for the latest information on support groups, events, and all upcoming programming.

Travel as a Catalyst for Self-Discovery

Travel is not only a way to learn about other places and connect with interests, but also to learn about ourselves. Executive Director Brenda Dater shares what her Autistic daughter discovered on her first overseas trip without her family.
Watch Brenda's Message

FREE Webinar on Special Needs Trusts

Don't miss the free webinar on August 14 by PLAN of MA & RI about Special Needs Trusts -- an option to create financial security for individuals with disabilities while retaining public benefits.
Click the buttons below to view other upcoming events and support groups!
Check out these helpful AANE resources!
Reflections on Travel & Transportation
Daily transportation and distant travel can bring freedom as well as different kinds of challenges. Two Autistic adults share their perspectives on how they make their journeys more manageable.
Here are some helpful links for adults in our community:
Making the Most of Family Vacations
Many families with Autistic children and teens wonder how to make vacations easier and a fun time for everyone. One parent of an Autistic son shares her tips from her family's travels around the world.
Don't miss these services AANE provides for parents and families:
The Blue Envelope Program for Autistic Drivers
Several state and local police departments have adopted a voluntary program using a blue envelope with printed information for both Autistic drivers and officers to use during a traffic stop. Read more about the Massachusetts State Police version of the program.
Learn more about AANE programs, support, and training for professionals.
AANE Programs


Individualized life coaching program for Autistic older teens & adults
By breaking down aspects of the travel process and planning for variable conditions, LifeMAP coaches can empower their clients to explore new destinations and pursue travel goals with greater ease and enjoyment. Learn more about LifeMAP.


Team-based support to help Massachusetts Autistic adults optimize independence
The LifeNet team can help Autistic individuals understand public transit systems, driving rules, airport procedures, and accommodations by engaging research, promoting advocacy, and planning together. Learn more about LifeNet.

Neurodiverse Couples Institute

Resources for couples and couples therapists/coaches
Summer can bring stress from disrupted routines and travel to unfamiliar places. AANE’s online course 101 for Couples helps partners understand the role of neurodiversity in relationships and how to communicate more effectively. Learn more about 101 for Couples.
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